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Welcome, I'm So Glad You're Here

Hello, my name is Ciara Alyse Harris. I am:

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  a writer
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 a singer, actor, and artist
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a self-love advocate

I believe in making mistakes, falling in love, falling out of love, eating sweets, eating vegetables, moving your body, and finding the joy in the life you were given. As a hard and true Sagittarius, I believe in the power of divine intervention, the vibes of the universe, and the magic of positive thinking. 

I have created Queen Made of Light  to share my personal experiences in hopes to be fearless and to be a daily reminder that life is just what you make it. To empower all humans to choose love and find the light within them that makes them beautiful and to share that with everyone they encounter in the world.

Queen Made Of Light

Sincerely, Ci 

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